Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
The full boarding fee is payable for each day or part of a day unless collection is made between 8:30am and 10:30am. There is also a minimum two-day charge for a one-night stay.
The right is reserved to charge the full boarding fee for the entire period booked if an animal is collected prior to the date arranged.
Payment to be made by cash, card or cheque at the time of collection.
No cat will be accepted for boarding unless in good health and the customer warrants that to the best of his/her knowledge the cat is in good health and not suffering from or carrying any infections or contagious disease and has not been in contact with any such disease within the last 30 days. Admission to the cattery will be refused without a valid certificate of inoculation against feline enteritis/cat 'flu.
It is expected that all cats will have been treated for parasites and wormed prior to boarding. We reserve the right to administer appropriate treatment if necessary.
We reserve the right to refuse admission to any cat which in the opinion of the cattery owners is of a ferocious nature or any other reason which makes it unsuitable for boarding. Un-neutered tom cats over six months of age will not be accepted.
In the event of your cat becoming ill, your vet will be contacted unless it is out of hours then the vet on emergency call will be contacted. If treatment or surgery is recommended, every effort will be made to contact you to obtain your consent, but if contact cannot be made, the customer agrees to accept the decision of the vet selected by the cattery.
All boarders are covered for a benefit under the cattery owners' own insurance whilst in the cattery up to a maximum of £350 per cat. Please note that previous medical conditions will not be covered. Subject thereto, the owner will be responsible for all vet's fees and the cost of all medication.
Animals may be collected only during normal business hours of the cattery which are 8.30am to 10.30am and 4.00pm to 6.00pm Monday to Saturday and 9.00am to 11.00am. on a Sunday. The cattery is closed on Bank Holidays.
The right is reserved to rehome any cat not collected within 14 days of the date arranged if no communication is received from the owner.
All reasonable care will be taken of the cats, but they are nonetheless boarded entirely at their owner's risk.