Happy Holidays
Published: 7 July 2020
We are very pleased to be welcoming so many of you back to the Cattery and delighted that you are able to take a break after all this time especially as many of you have lost the holidays that you were so looking forward to.
We would like to reassure you all that we have a range of measures in place to ensure your safety during the current situation.
We have hand gels and disinfectants readily available in the Office and in the pens for your use.
We are very aware of the need for social distancing and if you would like us to wear a face covering when meeting with you please let us know.
If the weather permits we are completing all paperwork on the table outside our Office.
Please wait in or by your car if there are customers already at the table or in the Office.
To comply with social distancing at the moment we would prefer to take and collect your cat(s) to and from their allocated pen wherever possible unless you are particularly anxious to accompany us.
We are disinfecting all carry baskets upon arrival and departure.
All surfaces and implements are being wiped down between customers.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Please stay safe and look after yourselves.